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When we approach Coober Pedy in the almost treeless plain we catch sight of hills of sand - as if thousands of giant moles have rummaged through the ground. This typical molehills are rubbish heaps of innumerable tunnels and subterranean passages of the prospectors for Opals.

Coober Pedy

Opals, glittering fire stones

There are three forms of Opals. The most rare and therefore the most expensive variation is the Black Opal. In the second place lies the Boulder Opal. The so called White or Light Opal you find most. In this way it plays an important part in which way an Opal is polished and presented. Three forms are differed again. A Solid Opal is a natural Opal valuable through. A Doublette is a thin slice of precious Opal, which is glued on a black undercoat. A Triplette is a Doublette, so as to protect the colours there is glued a Quarz Kristall on it.


Solid Boulder OpalSolid Boulder Opal

Solid Boulder OpalSolid Boulder Opal

Solid Boulder OpalSolid Boulder Opal

Coober Pedy

Also interresting are the underground chuts, the "Dugouts". The commodious underground apartments with several rooms have a constant temperature of 20 to 25° Celsius as well as protection of fine dust, whereby the temperature outdoor by day can go to 20° Celsius and will descent at night to zero.


An underground church


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